This is an update for FS2004 of the Alphasim Martin-Baker MB 5. I have updated the flight dynamics, made minor changes to the panel backgrounds, changed the GPS, changed the size of the autopilot, added autothrottle, and changed the view zoom. This is the whole aircraft. It has a virtual cockpit.

Unzip to a folder of your choice. Copy the aircraft folder to the FS aircraft folder. Copy the gauges to the FS gauges folder.

See [reference speeds] section of the aircraft.cfg file for operating speeds. Remember, these are no wind speeds, any wind will cause them to be higher or lower depending on the wind direction.

Normal cruise and altitude will give you 700 nautical miles. Economy cruise will give you about 1,000 nautical miles.

There is an unmarked nav/GPS switch at the lower left of the 2D panel.

The following was in the readme that came with the aircraft:
1) Animations

Canopy : shift-e
Ventral rad flaps : cowl flaps keys (shift+ctrl C and V)


use the simicons on the panel or in the v-c, or -

shift-2 : Autopilot
shift-3 : Engine controls
shift-4 : Radios
shift-5 : GPS

Anyone: You have my permission to use any of my updates with the following conditions: One, you don't try to make money with them. Two, you don't try to hurt, or take something from anyone by using them.

Bob Chicilo.